Main Characteristics of Windshear Based on Atmospheric Soundings Data at Liszt Ferenc International Airport

  • Wantuch Ferenc
  • Krekk Patrik


The main point of our research concerns the measurement details of the radiosonde found in Liszt Ferenc National Airport, Budapest. We also had some data from SODAR/RASS (operated by HungaroControl Zrt.), that assume the presence of low-level-jet, to which windshear can be a concomitant phenomenon. Between 2012 and 2016 we calculated the maximal amount of windshear with the help of our observation regarding high atmosphere. To this calculation we created a C-language program in which we produced a database of 5 years’ radisonde measurements. It contains the maximal amount of windshear with the belonging layer height from the starting point to the end, where the windshear was the highest till the height we examined. After finishing the study we got a description of the windshear; in which height range it occurs the most often, how strong it is and when it appears during the year.


radiosonde sounding data low-level jet synoptical climatological description

How to Cite

F. Wantuch and P. Krekk, “Main Characteristics of Windshear Based on Atmospheric Soundings Data at Liszt Ferenc International Airport”, RepTudKoz, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 43–54, Apr. 2018.


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