Examining the Noise Load of Military Airports and Exploring Solutions and Opportunities for Protection to Noise

  • Kretz András


Nowadays, we must pay more attention to the increasing environmental noise load, which also includes noise effects in the vicinity of airports. The operation of civil airports is governed by a number of prescripts and regulations, including inter alia measures to reduce noise pollution. In most cases, these provisions do not cover military airports. In this paper, the author examines the noise related characteristics of civil and military airports , and noise reduction procedures, as well as the role of the population selfcare on this issue.


noise pollution military airports flight noise reduce noise pollution population self-care

How to Cite

A. Kretz, “Examining the Noise Load of Military Airports and Exploring Solutions and Opportunities for Protection to Noise”, RepTudKoz, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 29–41, Apr. 2018.


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