On Post-Disaster Relief System which is Based on Aerial Vehicles and Serves a Large-Scale Metropolitan City: Concept and Principles

doi: 10.32560/rk.2019.2.13


This paper discusses the first 48 hours of a post-disaster relief system after the outbreak of the disaster. The system works in a metropolitan city. The city can get only what the system can provide in this period. Long distance relief arrives later. The relief system starts to work automatically just after the disaster. The system has personnel. However, the objective of the design is that many functions are served by automatic systems. Among others the transportation of the relief items and many communication functions belong to that category. Another important such function is the selection of the persons to be transported to hospitals. The paper discusses the organisational structure, the ideal work, and the costs of the relief system. It also analyses further technical problems including non-solved ones.


disaster disaster relief system earthquake tsunami UAV

How to Cite

B. Vízvári, “On Post-Disaster Relief System which is Based on Aerial Vehicles and Serves a Large-Scale Metropolitan City: Concept and Principles”, RepTudKoz, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 177–192, Jul. 2019.


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