The Possibilities of Systematic Management of Drone Traffic and Drone Threats

  • Csengeri János
doi: 10.32560/rk.2019.3.251


The aim of the publication is not simply to present the applicable forms of unmanned traffic management and counter UAS measures, but to provide a system to arrange and operate these options. In the paper, the expression drone refers to small remotely piloted aircraft systems which can be purchased from commercial stores or from online stores and which are applied for own (hobby), business and public service purposes. After the introduction, the first chapter shows the intensively increasing number of drones which underlines the actuality of the topic. The second chapter provides an overview of the beneficial areas and the threats posed by drones. The third and fourth parts discuss the administrative measures of drone traffic management and the possible active countermeasures against drone threats. In the penultimate chapter, the author suggests a sample system which might be applicable for managing drone traffic and drone threats, and the final chapter summarises the comprehensive system of drone traffic and threat management.


drone drone traffic drone threats system traffic management counter measure

How to Cite

J. Csengeri, “The Possibilities of Systematic Management of Drone Traffic and Drone Threats”, RepTudKoz, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 169–186, Jun. 2020.


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