The DJI Dock 2 is a “Drone in a Box” to Enhance the Unmanned Guard Solution – Scientific Research with the Cooperation of Duplitec Ltd.

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.3.11


The DJI Dock 2 “drone in a box” is an enhanced version of the previous Dock 1 solution, where a more sophisticated, agile, mobile, lightweight and efficient product has been introduced to improve and meet the needs of reliable, fully autonomous drone operations even at an extended range. The latest advances in technology will enable the organisation, planning and execution of fully automated flight operations with drones, even beyond visual range. There are many missions and tasks that were previously dangerous to perform with human resources because it was too risky or did not provide an efficient and satisfactory solution for the control, guarding, protection or continuous surveillance of sites important for the operation of public bodies, sectors of the national economy or for guaranteeing the safety of the population. Now these problems can be adequately addressed with the DJI Dock 2 and its accessories, as it can be used for drone-powered patrols and guarded tours around protected areas.


dji dock2 full automatic drone flight technical capabilities and specificities mission planning and execution operational conditions, legislation

Hogyan kell idézni

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