The Role of Drones in the Electricity Sector

doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.3.5


Similarly to the separation and development of electricity systems, the golden age of aviation dates back to the last  century. Admittedly, in the beginning, the two technologies  did not have much effect on each other; however, in the  21st century, these two systems in many cases cross each  other’s paths in everyday life, while performing the  operation and maintenance tasks. In this paper, the author  describes how a modern electricity infrastructure is built up  and explains the process used for transferring electric  power generated by the power plants to the consumers. In  addition, this paper familiarises the reader with the procedures and methods allowing to assign more and more functions and tasks to the drone technology and to assure  its efficient integration with certain elements of the energy  system. 


drone electric power power plant electric power distribution power grid safety

Hogyan kell idézni

Z. Jurás, „The Role of Drones in the Electricity Sector”, RepTudKoz, köt. 33, sz. 3, o. 57–63, aug. 2022.


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