The Human Challenges of Modernising the Air Force

doi: 10.32560/rk.2021.3.7


The aim of my article is to provide an overview of the capability development of the Air Force’s fleet within the  framework of the Zrínyi National Defence and Armed  Forces Development Program and the effects of the related  tasks that fundamentally affect the operator and  maintenance personnel. The article briefly describes the  peculiarities of the organisational culture of the Air Force,  the age and position of the available personnel, which is the initial knowledge necessary for the planning of the  recruitment. The article covers the complex security policy,  social and technological environment to which the selection  system applied by the Hungarian Armed Forces must be adapted, and which is the key to successful  training and success indicators. Through personal reports,  the article seeks to present a real situation about the  challenges and motivations and path-finding of the  personnel currently serving in military aviation. 


capability development human resources generation analogue–digital switchover Hungarian Armed Forces military suitability Zrínyi National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program capability development, human resources, generation, analog-digital switchover, Hungarian Armed Forces, National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program Zrínyi, NATO

Hogyan kell idézni

A. Füleky, „The Human Challenges of Modernising the Air Force”, RepTudKoz, köt. 33, sz. 3, o. 83–95, aug. 2022.


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