Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Its Extension Possibilities


In the 21st century, mass production is the main method of manufacturing. The occurring failures during mass production cause significant damages and lack of income. There the quality-centered mindset gains more and more importance. Nowadays, the focus is set on prevention instead of problem handling. The (Process) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is one of the most widely used quality methods. Its aim is to map production failure modes, to prevent failure causes and to detect them. The utilization is specified by standards, but it is advisable as well for companies working in the production sector. In our work, we introduce the formation of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and we point out the possible extension possibilities.


FMEA prevention measures detection measures severity

Hogyan kell idézni

A. Koncz, L. Pokorádi, és G. Szabó, „Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Its Extension Possibilities”, RepTudKoz, köt. 30, sz. 1, o. 247–254, ápr. 2018.


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