Consent or Resistance? The role of Gamification in Algorithmic Work Management

The Case of Food-couriers in Budapest

  • Ürmössy Anna
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2024.1.9


The research examines the work organization of Foodpanda and the bicycle couriers’ experiences and attitudes regarding the algorithmic management of their work. The focus of the inquiry is the gamification of the work, from-above and from-below. In the first case, gamification is created from the side of the management, while in the second, games are initiated by workers.

Gamification from above consists of the gambling-like work process, the ranking of the couriers and the bonuses offered for completing “challenges” during work. The research found that taking part in the games can cause addiction and self-exploitation among couriers. Furthermore, successful participation in the game leads to pride and recognition from other workers. Gamification from below includes all kinds of “games” that the couriers initiate. These can be different strategies to earn more, while sparing energy; small sabotages of the application and bets among one another.

The study shows the connection between games and the formation of consent among the couriers. The findings conclude that by taking part in the games from-above, the couriers must accept the rules and the logic of the work organization. Furthermore, the games give space for relative satisfaction with one’s work. Therefore, the games from-above contribute to the formation of consent to the algorithmic work management. On the other hand, some games from-below give agency to the couriers, thus have the potential to advocate resistance. Nevertheless, the research found that the majority of games from-below (as for now) do not cause harm to the interest of the company.


gig-economy, platform work, algorithmic work management, food delivery, gamification, consent, resistance


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