Observations on Buttarelli’s Privacy 2030 in the Context Of Data Protection in Hungary

  • Páll Imre Borisz
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2024.1.11


European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) Giovanni Buttarelli’s posthumous manifesto, „Privacy 2030: A New Vision for Europe”, places data protection in a global context. In his view, a digital underclass has emerged with members who have no access to the necessary informations to understand the logic of the algorithmic decisions affecting them and their privacy. Competition and data protection authorities within the EU cooperate and share their informations about their investigations. While data maximisation is clearly unsustainable from an environmental perspective, within the EU, data minimisation is a core principle of data protection law. Personal data should serve the public interest of state and society rather than private companies based mostly in the US and China.

In case of its proper enforcement, GDPR may be an effective tool of transparent data processing in the EU, and can serve as a model for the rest of the world. Enforcement is duty of the member states’ authorities. Therefore, Buttarelli’s views and Hungarian data protection’s legal tools are worth a comparative analysis.


Data protection, GDPR, Public administration, Privacy, European Union, New technologies, Democracy


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