ICT Enabled Cross-Border Governance

  • Ocskay Gyula


In the present study we try to draft the frameworks for interpretation of cross-border governance and to define the potential role of ICT solutions in developing functioning governance models. For the sake of a better understanding we have divided our study into four chapters which define successively the notions of ‘governence’, ‘border’, ‘cross-border governance’; the final one focuses on the effects ICT solutions can have on cross-border governance.
Our starting-point is the presumption that space is a social product, consequently borders
can be considered as results of conventions and not administrative or physical barriers. Since space is a social product it is determined culturally by the community / society and is defined by a particular discourse, during the last 4 centuries by nation states and nationalisms.
Nowadays, national discourse on space is gradually loosing its self-evidence and new forms
of institutionalised cross-border cooperation are emerging. This evolution will change not only the traditional terminology of space but also the way of governing things. The progress of info-communication technology resulted in the birth of virtual space, virtual identity. The world of spaces has given place for the world of flows. In this situation cross-border governance opens new perspectives for cooperation.
In our study we try to give a short overview on the issue of cross-border governance, on its
theoretical background, its opportunities and limitations. The term ‘cross-border’ will be used in its stricter sense referring to direct cooperation across state borders.
For better understanding, we have divided our study into four chapters enlarging gradually
the field of investigations started by the definition of ‘governance’.


cross-border governance ICT governence border cross-border cooperation


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