Competency-Based Public Human Resource Management (PHRM) from a Comparative Perspective

  • Belényesi Emese
  • Dobos Ágota
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2019.1.6


The study is providing a theoretical analysis of the competency-based Public Human Resource Management (PHRM) with regard to the newly emerging Hungarian system and the American approaches and core practices. Empirical findings by Dobos in the U.S.A. are focusing on competency management solutions applied in the leadership development practice of the U.S. Federal Government with the intention to reveal possible benchmarking opportunities for the developing Hungarian system. Data collection by Belényesi targeted the new developments in the Hungarian public service, in which Human Resource Management (HRM) has recently gained momentum. Therefore, the international best practices can offer adaptation opportunities and innovative solutions.


civil service competency-based comparative analysis PHRM


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