Police in Diverse Society

  • Bodonyi Ilona


In the past about 50 (in Eastern Europe 20-25) years society and police has been through two dramatic changes; political changes and turning into multicultural, diverse society. The responses of society, of politics and the police to these circumstances were quite different, regardless, that the international and EU institutions facing the problems tried to formulate the adequate requirements (Parliamentary Assembly Assemblée parlementaire RESOLUTION 690 (1979) Declaration on the Police; COUNCIL OF EUROPE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS Recommendation Rec(2001)10 ofthe Committee of Ministers to member states on the European Code of police Ethics).
During the process of the political changes the role of police in society was reconsidered; it “was no longer viewed as dangerous, unsavory, diversionary, and politically retrograde, but as key component of social stability and economic development” (Bayley, D.). And now, the most important question is: how is it possible to create an organization that strengthens democracy’s values and norms in its structure and function, and is able to answer the new challenges of the diversity?
Diversity means differences in the backgrounds or lifestyles, it relates to gender, age, language, ethnicity, cultural background (multiculturalism), disability, sexual orientation or religious belief. Diversity also means differences in other aspects; in educational level, job, socioeconomic background, personality profile, geographic location, differences in interest and differences in political conviction. That is why every society has its special conditions, which affect the responsibility of the politics and the police.
States have different styles and strategies when it comes to dealing with diverse groups within their borders. Concerning these circumstances the presentation will analyse these strategies, their theoretical background (principle of multiculturalism, inclusion, integration), aims (first of all the sustainable development) bad and good practices, and the possible societal responses (acceptance; prejudice, societal conflicts; hate crime). In case of the analysis of a diverse society security aspects should also be taken into consideration. The police strategy and philosophy must be harmonised with the democratic responses of politics on societal diversity; police need an adequate education in order to meet these requirements.


police diversity diverse society police education


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