Thoughts about the Hungarian Administrative Strategy Making, with Special Regard to Central Authorities
Copyright (c) 2022 Torma András, Czékmann Zsolt, Nyitrai Péter, Szabó Balázs, Ritó Evelin, Czibrik Eszter, Cseh Gergely

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A system of organisation and tasks with given measures, such as public administration, cannot be without strategies to ensure its medium- and long-term operation. And still can! Today, we cannot present an accepted and valid document in Hungary, which consistently marks the cornerstones along which the organisational system and personnel policy of the public administration are built
up. There are several sectoral strategies, especially in the field of digitization, where strategy-making has been active recently, but a comprehensive, wide public administration strategy is still lacking. The present study examines domestic strategy-making and, in particular, the neglect and often an unimaginative development and transformation of the central bodies of public administration.