Competency-based Human Resource Management in the Public Service from Educational Perspective
Copyright (c) 2023 Belényesi Emese, Dobos Ágota

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This study aims to provide a theoretical analysis of the applicability of competency-based Human Resource Management (HRM) approaches in the civil service with a view to enhancing and embedding the development of HRM in national systems, such as in the Hungarian civil service, where, despite its growing popularity, it has not been adequately addressed so far. It is our intention to focus on several interrelated aspects of the issue, analysing its components and indicating directions for improvement. Exploring the reasons behind the lack of progress in this area, the study highlights aspects such as the misunderstandings resulting from the differences of interpretations of competency-based HRM, and of the practical implications of the measurability of competencies. It also presents the special features of practices employed in the United States, where the interpretation of competencies is based on the unified personality of the employee, who is ready to develop new competencies that meet the requirements of employers and the changing work environment. It seems important to bring the approaches of the training institutions into line with those of the public institutions, even if compromises are unavoidable.
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