Quality public service for the competitiveness, the sustainable and resilient society, and the economy
Copyright (c) 2022 Uzsák Katalin

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The public administration reform of the last more than 10 years, the persistent developments and the innovation have been fruitful, the re-organised territorial public administration system met the expectations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the public administration proved to be well-organised, and the metropolitan- and county government offices were able to implement the government’s health- and social policy objectives besides their everyday tasks. The pandemic accelerated many of the ongoing development processes, mostly in the field of online administration. However, it does not mean that the possibility of in-person administration would be pushed to the background. Not least because, we all know exactly how much the personal connections are needed. Customers trust public servants working in the metropolitan- and county government offices, the government windows and the district offices. At the same time, we would like to strengthen this trust further. One of the main objectives for the future is to operate a public administration system which is continuously able to adapt to changes and committed to introduce emerging technologies in the state public services.