European Public Law and the Changes of the Integration Paradigm

  • Kiss Lilla Nóra


The analysis of the changes of the integration paradigm seems timely in Europe nowadays.
Especially so, due to the public law issues raised by the so-called Brexit. The Brexit-referenda held on 23 June 2016 brought a turning point both in the life of the United Kingdom and of the European Union. The British electorate decided to withdraw from the European integration; this decision raises many legal and non-legal (economic, political, etc.) questions.
In this article, I focus on the public law issues affected by the Brexit, as a consequence of the changes of the integration paradigm. The article aims to analyse the available literature, and by this to provide a picture of the possible trends and tendencies of the integration.
The processes and their consequences may affect the situation and role of Hungary in the European Union. Thus the results may provide a completion to further analysis.


Brexit changes of integration paradigm European public law withdrawal of a member state


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