Korrupcióellenes világnap

2015. december 10.

  • Váradi Piroska


The Conference marking the International Anti-Corruption Day was organised by the Ministry of Interior and the National Protective Service in December 2015. Its aim was to highlight the major achievements of last year and the main goals for the next period. The host of the event, Minister of Interior dr. Sándor Pintér underlined the zero tolerance principle towards corruption declared by the Government and highlighted the importance of awareness-raising, responsibility, leading by example and prevention. The high-level speakers of the conference: Attorney General dr. Péter Polt, Minister of Justice dr. László Trócsányi, Chair of the State Audit Office László Domokos, Deputy Chair of the Supreme Court dr. István Kónya, and Chair of the National Bureau of Justice Dr. Tünde Handó summarised the main achievements of their fields of competence. The most important of these were: new structures in the Office of the Attorney General that aim at a more effective tackling of corruption, stricter criminal and other legislation, increasing popularity of the Integrity Survey, corruption risk assessment activities of the Supreme Court and the further promotion of the commitment towards integrity among the members of the judiciary.


fight against corruption International Anti-Corruption Day Ministry of Interior National Protective Service zero tolerance


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