Municipalities in a Sea of Information

  • Budai Balázs Benjámin


The information management and knowledge generation capacity of local governments is low. The efficiency and competitiveness of these organizations also show a deteriorating trend. The gap between the OECD states – with regards to these abilities – is increasing. However, we must offer clear recommendations and tools to local governments, and we need to provide government support to ensure that local administrations have access to appropriate (up-to-date) knowledge and information-based operations. We have to define what areas need to develop, and we need to provide specific (governmental and scientific) assistance. We have to demonstrate why the importance of the local and community presence of local governments is needed. We must show them how to respond to the challenges of the 21st century. If we do not do this, the local governments will sink into a sea of information. The research on the following pages shows the first survey results of this project.


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