Certain Labour Market Aspects of the Migrant Phenomenon

  • Kőmíves Péter Miklós
  • Szabó Szilvia
  • Dajnoki Krisztina


The purpose of the article is to present the most important migration challenges in education and in employment. Our aim was to highlight the necessity and benefits of the education system in an international perspective, while publishing a summary of domestic practical experience at the same time. Additional purpose of this article is to gather the most important challenges and information about the labour market presence of migrants. On this point, we paid special attention to the appearance of discrimination, its causes and current treatment methods.
    The presentation of certain aspects of migration as a highly relevant social phenomenon is important, as this will allow an objective and scientific approach to the issue. This way of analysing the situation that is a continuous common talk can be useful to all parties involved.


immigrants employment education discrimination self-employment


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