The Development of the Public Administration of Szeklerland and Its Impact on the Local Minority Following the Austro–Hungarian Compromise, until the Entry into Force of the Romanian Law of Administrative Unification of 1925

  • Szabadi Ernő Loránd
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2019.3.7


The purpose of this study is to present the effects of the administrative reorganisation on Szeklerland, to analyse and summarise them following the Austro–Hungarian Compromise of 1867, until the entry into force of the Romanian Law of Administrative Unification of 1925. The process of administrative unification following the First World War is also illustrated by means of legislations and reforms affecting the constrained minority status. In addition to the use of the literature of the research area, as well as examining the official Romanian journals, the study seeks to accommodate the Romanian intensions in addition to the well-known Hungarian position. Although the historical nature of the study is indisputable, it focuses on the process of development of the public administration of Szeklerland, and not the analysis of the mentioned historical period. As a limitation of the study, the lack of scientific measurability should be emphasised.


public administration Szeklerland the period between the two world wars unification


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