The Main Stages in the Development of the Official Administration

  • Józsa Zoltán
doi: 10.32575/ppb.2019.3.3


After a brief outline of the historical past, the study focuses on the three main elements of public administration: the organisation, the tasks and competences and the characteristics of the staff.
Different but complementary research methods (historical, comparative, dogmatic) show the changes in the management and operation of official administration over historical periods. The formalised, subordinated and superordinate public administration is increasingly replaced by a customer friendly, service-like administration. The corresponding organisational framework is the government window system, while the institutions of general administration order provide the opportunity to implement fast, cheap and efficient services. The commitment, skills and professionalism of the public administration staff remain the most important factor for the realisation of a modern, service oriented state.
Changes in the nature of official administration is not straight-line, but the tendency is the strengthening of the help and service image.


state administration state administrative office official case state administrative service general administrative order government window one stop shop customer friendly administration


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