Thoughts on the Theory of Governance and Supervision in Public Administration

  • Fazekasné Pál Emese


Public administration is characterised by the conceptual triage of control–supervision–governance which illustrates the relationship between the bodies forming the system and at the same time orientates their position in the administrative structure.
    One of the aims of the research conducted in the Concha Győző Doctoral Program is to prove that the elements of the current supervisory system over local governments – in many cases – exceed the boundaries of supervisory control and are now approaching governance.
    If one observes the Western European solutions of affected control, which typically provide decentralized local entities with far greater autonomy, it must be seen, that the Hungarian processes are exactly the opposite. In Hungary the aspiration towards centralization is more apparent from the part of the legislator, whereas for example in France the Decentralization Act has terminated the supervisory power of the prefect who exercises legal control over local governments.


delimitation problems governance local government state control supervision


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