The Causes of Radicalisation

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2023.3.4


With globalisation, the borders that so clearly divided our world in the past are fading. In North America and Western Europe in particular, the number of minorities living there is growing rapidly, and the inevitable result is that societies are constantly changing. We have to recognise that integration is not a one-way process, and that minority groups also have an impact on the original population of the country. This two-way process is far from seamless. The gaps between cultures are widening and a parallel society is gradually emerging, where individuals do not rely on the jurisprudence of state decision-making bodies, but rather on their own traditions and their chosen leaders, and seek to solve their everyday problems with their guidance. The problems are further compounded by the fact that cultural and economic differences are pushing more and more citizens, mostly with immigrant
backgrounds, to the margins of society, providing an excellent breeding ground for radicalisation. Solving the problems caused by this phenomenon cannot be left to the law-enforcement alone. It is a complex task that requires the coordinated work
of many disciplines and social actors. First, we need to understand the circumstances under which the problems arise and the mechanisms os their development. We can draw on the work of a number of eminent psychologists and sociologists to build up a complete picture that can help us to allocate the available material, technical and
human resources correctly and thus promote integration processes.


globalisation immigration psychology integration parallel society terrorism religion radicalisation policing Islam


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