Italy’s Information System, the Democratic Reform and Construction of the Italian National Security Sector
Copyright (c) 2025 Solti István

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The author describes the major milestones in the transformation of Italy's intelligence services during and after the Cold War. The author draws on the key provisions of the public legislation governing the activities of Italian state security and national security organisations. Thus, he examines the major novelties and trend-shifting legal provisions of Laws 801/1977 and 124/2007. To explain the legal provisions, it draws on contemporary reports, briefing materials and memos produced by the Hungarian State Security and socialist partner services to show the characteristics of the Italian services before 1990. For modern-day solalia, the starting point is the law currently in force and its domestic interpretation.
The aim of this study is to describe the current state of the Italian national security structure, its tasks and organisation, as well as its management and control structure.
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