The Future of Cybersecurity in Hungary in the Light of the EU NIS2 Directive

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2024.3.2


Europe and the European Union have faced many crises and problems in recent years. Perhaps never since the World War II has Europe’s security been so unpredictable. Russia’s war in Ukraine and the conflicts that preceded it have shown that in cyberspace it is not only the warring parties that face increased attacks but also third parties, most notably countries that are part of the supply chain of one of the warring parties. Europe’s and the EU’s defence capabilities must therefore be continuously improved, and a high level of unified resilience must be achieved in several areas, with the cooperation of all Member States. First and foremost, there is a need to establish a common high level of defence capability in the area of critical infrastructure, which is addressed by the EU CER Directive, and in the area of cybersecurity, the basis for which is laid by the NIS2 Directive.


European Union cybersecurity Hungary NIS2 SSNS NCSC SZTFH


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