Possibilities of Strengthening Integrated and National Security Approach in the Governmental Information Process Regarding International Terrorism

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2024.2.3


According to Europol’s assessment, international terrorism is a serious challenge in the European Union. Despite the low risk of international terrorism in Hungary, global and regional security policy developments predict that national efforts against this threat must be strengthened. These include reconnaissance, coordination and governmental information tasks requiring a national security approach. In order to achieve integrated government information, the creation of the national security fusion center is a significant step forward, however, some parallels and overlaps remain in the order of information sharing, coordination and government information related to international terrorism. In addition to clarifying the relevant legislation and the tasks and powers of the relevant state agencies, the independence of the Anti-Terrorism Coordination Committee from the security architecture agencies may be appropriate for their correction. According to international example the establishment of a fusion center with special powers related to international terrorism may have added value. It should be considered to organize a permanent secretariat functioning as such a fusion center to the committee, which could, on the one hand, help the committee to perform its decision-supporting tasks in an independent, comprehensive, objective and integrative manner, and could even be suitable to
make international terrorism more visible as an ever-increasing security challenge.


national security fusion center law enforcement terrorism intelligence counter terrorism


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