Experience in the Application of New Training Methods at the SSNS

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2024.2.5


The development of technical possibilities, the entrance of new generations into the labor market, and the challenges presented by recent pandemics have created an environment that necessitates the provision of training opportunities for newcomers to the profession. It also highlights the need for advanced training opportunities for those already pursuing careers in civilian national security, incorporating new training methods alongside traditional educational solutions. According to the traditional paradigm, the knowledge required to complete the career circle should be provided through theoretical education, which includes lectures, notes, exams, with strict control over attendance, preparation, and the clarity of examinations. However, merely transferring these solutions to electronic interfaces represents a step forward but does not, in itself, effect any real change. A genuine breakthrough occurs when the focus shifts to the students—considering their needs and characteristics—prioritizing the user-friendly creation of learning opportunities over rigid learning constraints. This approach emphasizes competence development over simple knowledge transfer, interaction over mere communication, multimodal experiences over plain speech, gamification over obligation, practical application over memorization, and partner involvement over authoritarian teaching. This study summarizes our practical experiences with these innovative training methods.


training competence development e-learning


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