Assessment of Presumed Cyber-Intelligence Operations of the People’s Republic of China:

Overview of Procedures and International Impacts

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2024.2.4


The research aims to provide an overview of the People’s Republic of China’s presumed cyber intelligence activities in the international context. It utilizes qualitative analysis of secondary sources and publicly attributed case studies from the past 5-7 years. Operations launched in the US after 2015, such as the Marriott, Equifax, and Anthem incidents, were driven by economic, technological, and political motives. The acquired data might be used for developing data-driven technologies (AI, ML) and IoT tools. US investigative agencies suspect a broader Chinese cyber intelligence campaign, posing national security risks by combining acquired databases with sensitive information and personal data obtained from the Office of Personnel Management of federal employees (OPM data theft) until 2015.


People's Republic of China PRC cyber intelligence cyber operations cyber espionage


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