Specific Rules and Tools for the Protection of Wired Information Systems in Legislation and Recommendations

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2023.1.1


The aim of this article is to explore, with a particular focus on the systems of communications service providers, whether the protection of the wired elements of electronic information systems needs to be addressed separately, or whether they can be considered sufficiently protected by the application of controls described in current legislation and recommendations, due to the complex approach to the protection of electronic information systems. Therefore, starting from the basic principles of information systems security, the article reviews the main characteristics of wired and wireless network security, briefly describes the main domestic legislation and international recommendations (the most authoritative being Anglo Saxon) related to the security of information communication networks, describes their controls specifically applicable to wired and wireless network elements, and suggests a way forward to enhance security.


electronic information systems wired networks cybersecurity NIST 800- 53


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