A Brief Overview of the British National Security

– Its Structure and Challenges

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2022.4.3


In the present study I would like to give a short overview on the structure and challenges of the national security in the United Kingdom. Beside reviewing the relevant parts of
the domestic literature, I have also deepened my research into British legal sources to gain a more accurate and in depth understanding of British national security’s current state. An occasional comparison of the UK situation with Hungarian national legislation has appeared inherently. Since February, the war in Ukraine has added a sad topicality to the present analysis. In addition to the apparent need to reduce suffering, the war situation underlines the role and importance of national security in
many ways, both in terms of prevention, crisis management and aftermath. However, Britain’s war in Ukraine; barring an all-out nuclear conflict; is less complicated than
for its NATO partners on the eastern flank. The UK faces fundamentally different problems. These include the integration of prominent Muslim and other religious communities, the national security risks, and a huge variety of factors generated by the large number of migrants from the actual members of the Commonwealth who still move to the country. The question is: are British national security services capable of dealing with this situation?


intelligence national security terrorism espionage counter-intelligence


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