The Artificial Intelligence supported OSINT

– Evolution and Challenges

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2022.1.3.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role in data processing, both in civil and military operations planning and support, intelligence and counter-intelligence, and in analysis. One of the key roles of AI is to reduce risks posed by Big Data’s “5V Challenge” (Volume, Variety, Veracity, Velocity, Value). All-source Intelligence (ASI) is
a comprehensive system that acquires and processes the information necessary to conduct successful operations through intelligence operations encompassing man-made, visual, radio-electronic, measuring, radar, open source intelligence. All-source Intelligence obtains and processes the information needed to perform a successful operation through extensive and comprehensive intelligence operations. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) always played a prominent role in these tools and operations, and as of today it has essentially replaced big part of the classical human intelligence activity (HUMINT) by acquiring, processing and analysing data stored on the World Wide Web. The use of AI in OSINT increases both the speed and efficiency of obtaining information from text mining to image recognition or the search and analysis of correlations.


Artificial Intelligence All-source Intelligence Big Data Open Source Intelligence


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