Challenges for Turkish Counter-Terrorism and Defence Industry following the Arab Spring (2011–2017)

– Aspects of National Security Threats Posed by the Islamic State’s Terrorist Organisation

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2022.1.1.


Nemzetbiztonsági Szemle • 10. évfolyam (2022) 1. szám In addition to dynamically changing global trends, terrorism is still one of the cornerstones of security challenges, the prevention of which requires a comprehensive and complex approach. In addition to the development of the strategic environment, the methods of committing terrorist acts are also changing, therefore it is necessary to constantly review the tools of counter-terrorism in order to fully comply with the current requirements. This study presents the activities of the Islamic State and its circumstances in Turkey, a country of great geopolitical importance, highlighting the challenges to national security. Books, studies and analyses published in recent years provide more and more information on the operation of the terrorist organisation and its previous networking methods, which has affected the security of the Middle East region and has had an impact on Europe as well. This paper presents a new perspective of previous research, illustrating the diversity of challenges posed by terrorism.


Terrorism Turkey Islamic State national security defence industry


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