Expected Trends of Radical Islam in Europe

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2022.1.2.


The conflicts of cohabitation of Christian and Muslim have been present in the history of mankind for centuries. The threats connected to this phenomenon have influenced the security and social stability of the region in different ways. The biggest security challenge has been violence, motivated not only by religious motives, but one or two major event in the Islamic world. It was the year of Islamic Awakening in 1979, the Gulf War, (the al-Quaeda is active from this time, and 9/11 can be seen as its consequence), the occupation of Iraq, the Arabic Spring and the formation of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant in 2014. The Islamic State meanwhile has withdrawn territorially and has lost its earlier achieved position, but the aftermath of the migration crisis in 2015 showed, that the radical Islam has reached a new level in Europe. It is very difficult to define a strategy which can dissolve the tense between Christians and Muslims, the defence sector actors should therefore pay a special attention to monitoring Islamic extremism.


Islam radicalism threat terrorism protection strategy


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