Intelligence of the Ottoman Empire

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2021.3.5


In this essay I am writing about the intelligence network of the Ottoman Empire. This system was decentralised and it has had agents in all over the Mediterranean area. It was made to operate through the courts of the main officers of the empire. So I have dedicated the first part to them. In the next chapter I would like to examine the agents of the Ottoman Empire. They have served the Empire with different backgrounds (moriscos, merchants, pirates). After that, I will write about the postal system, which transferred the news to the capital quickly. My last chapter will examine the counter-intelligence system. This was also decentralised, which, however, does not detract from its effectiveness. I will finish this essay with the conclusion. Although the system was decentralised, it was very effective, because the centre had to examine fewer information, than the centralised Western services. However, they had similar systemic problems also (competitor bosses, lack of control over them, delivery of contradictory news).


Ottoman Empire Intelligence Moors Tra Merchant Pirates


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