Possible Causes, Dynamic Characteristics and Possible Solutions to Cyberbullying

  • Erdélyi Ákos
doi: 10.32561/nsz.2021.3.2


In the 21th century, we are living in the heydays of technological innovations. The Internet makes our everyday lives a lot easier, but in addition to its many benefits, we also need to get to know its dark side. We don’t have to think about the most drastic acts to face the dangers of the Internet: it’s enough to just be harassed on various social media platforms.Online harassment, also known as cyberbullying, is an aggressive and repetitive intentional act committed by an individual or group using electronic means (sending pictures or videos, making phone calls, sending emails, using websites and other messaging programs) against the victim who is often unprotected. It is an important task to identify the perpetrators and to explore the dynamic processes behind each harassment. Personality and behaviour analysis of perpetrators can speed up their tracing and identification, help victims cope with the trauma they have experienced and consciously shape resilience, and develop effective preventive and interventional methods.


cyber online harassment cyberbullying perpetrators victims group dynamics psychological explanations protective factors


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