A szervezett bűnözés két alappillére: az emberkereskedelemhez kapcsolódó prostitúciós bűncselekmények valamint a kábítószer-kereskedelem

  • Kovács István


The drug usage (consumption), with the drugs truth trade (distributor behaviours), both of them are in the media's crossfire in the latter decade, we can say the drug trade turned into a central topic. The drug trade is there duly for the media's development, that's the reason why we may hear about the appearance of new drugs daily, monthly. A contact became worldwide between the individuals and the consumption of the drugs, somebody uses all of them in the medical use, and somebody uses it as the device of the satisfaction of passions. The organized criminals of the incomes originating from the drug trade extending over on the borders contributes to the growth of the profit of them, that additional serious crimes make use of a property obtained illegally for his support – terrorism, trade in arms, man trade –, that hurts more than hundred thousand people's life. Number definition was born for defining the organized crime, but in all have common the name of the circle of those crimes, that is reported for their honed keeping necessary revenue source. The drug consumption handled as the taboo long ago, but it became focused burst into the public consciousness, the wide publicity got in front of it suddenly, and that's the reason why the goverment needs steps against it bigger, more precise and requests more concerted social work. Many medical, psychological, sociological, legal or books with an other viewpoint are connected to the drug constituting problem on the international level in an issue, but in my study I present the phenomenon of the drug trade being linked to prostitution, first in my study I make a proposal as one of the possible devices of the appearance.


drug trade organized crime prostitution human-trafficking


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