21. századi geopolitikai stratégiák – Az ortodox geopolitika újjászületése és az egyre fokozódó biztonsági kockázatok

  • Dr. Bernek Ágnes


On the basis of the Russian „Crimea annexation” in March 2014, the international political analysts declare rebirth of the orthodox geopolitics. At the same time this means the beginning of the new multipolar world system. While USA withdraws continually regarding to the foreign policy, and turns inwards, the big emerging markets recur through the military strength till then, to the application of the “Hard power”. Russia opposing USA openly becomes land power applying Eurasian geopolitical principle to one rather. But on the basis of the Russian physical geographical conditions the existence of the Russian sea power is dubious, since the Sevastopol harbour on Crimean Peninsula insures the Russian sea fleet’s getting out only onto the warm seas. Like this Ukraine’s buffer state role increases longer yet, and the sharp opposition of the West and East prevents it totally, that in the future Ukraine becomes bridge state, connection state between West and East.


orthodox geopolitics geoeconomics multipolar world system land power sea power Euro-Atlantic zone Eurasian zone buffer state bridge state


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