Humán faktor (Az emberi tényező szerepe az extrémizmuselhárítás kérdéskörében)

  • Boross Zsigmond Attila


Act against the extremism is a basic national security issue. The role of the individual is considered to be determinative in this territory based on the professional experiences. It is true for the target and also for the operational forces. We could follow up the unbalanced enforcement of the other side during the last quarter century since the change of system. It is necessary to organize, use and utilize the available experiences in favor of the enforcement of the National Security Agencies. Without these actions newer and newer unexpected incidences will show the deficiencies of the National Security and Law Enforcement Agencies. The basis to ensure the public peace is to use the motivated and qualified operational forces in an organized way.


human factor experience ability extremism terrorist acts unconstitutional hate crime


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