A biztonság-fogalom spirituális és geopolitikai értelmezése Afrikában

  • Suha György


Violence and conflict in the African continent continue to inhibit social and political progress and limit economic growth. Protracted violent conflicts, such as that in Somalia, the continuing violence in Darfur, conflict in South Sudan as well as Central African Republic pose huge challenges of peace-making and peace-keeping to African states and considerable stress on international organizations, – including the United Nations – that are still in the process of development. This article examines the concepts of security culture to explore some the political dimensions of the African Union’s security policies. After providing an overview of spiritual and ethnographic approach of security concepts in Africa, I use these insights to analyse the geopolitical context and interpretation of the current political strategy. The final section discusses the origins and present legal framework of the AU’s security culture.


African Union security geopolitics United Nations


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