Nemzeti biztonság és nemzetbiztonság a stratégiaalkotásban


The Hungarian security thinking was defined by its security and defense policy principles following the political transformation. This served as a basis for the published, modified and redefined national security strategy after the millennium. The essential element of the first Hungarian national security strategy was that it referred to a derivative and sectorial “national security” strategy. Although a sectorial guidance was never drafted the national security strategy emphasizes the importance of intelligence and counterintelligence. The purpose of this study it to specify the place of national security services in security thinking, in Hungarian security and defense policy and its national security order and outline the directions of strategy making after the political transformation. („The work was created in commission of the National University of Public Service under the priority project KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 titled „Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance” in the István Egyed Postdoctoral Program.”)


national security strategy making


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