Security and National Security Challenges from the Perspective of the Hungarian Disaster Management


The natural and civilizational risk sources of the contemporary world have an impact on the normal operation of a state. General opinion about a state (also) depends on the answers the state is able to formulate to address these classic and modern challenges: what types of defense mechanisms will be set up, and how state bodies manage to formulate the self-defenses of the society. Any research is useful and highly appropriate that deals with the causes of catastrophes, with the actualization of the safety dimensions, or with the analysis the modern age interpretation of the living conditions of the society, with an interdisciplinary approach.

The current validity of the topic is highlighted by the fact that numerous reports have been published in the 21st century clearly pointing out that our contemporary security environment is not stable, despite of the significant technological progress.

On a general level, from the point of view of security and national security, the exposure of Hungary is continuously changing, and the risks of multiple origins and of civilizational nature intertwine via many threads. Due to the complexity of risks and the everstronger dependences developing among them, the various institutions of the public administration are less capable to prepare and react to new types of risks. For this reason cooperation initiatives among various professional orders, public and local administration institutions are gaining ground, just as well as bilateral treaties with neighboring countries, the strengthening of the civil protection mechanisms operating with regard to the common risk assessment procedures of the European Union, the establishment of the conditions for requesting international aid, etc.


security national security risk disaster management analysis


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