National Security and Higher Education – Challenges, Risks and Threats

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2022.3.9


Globalisation raises the risk of unwanted leaks of information from higher education institutions and the use of the scientific results of one country for hostile purposes by another one. The national interests to be protected have their dynamics so national security has to also be in permanent development. Networking as a part of HUMINT has a growing importance among students and the teaching staff as well. The protective measures need urgent upgrading in order to prevent any possible risk on behalf of state and non-state actors. As the students are the most exposed to different radical ideas, the preventive measures have to be focused on them. It is also important to keep an eye on the laboratories accessible at the higher education institutions where electronic, technical and chemical tools and devices can be illegally elaborated for illicit purposes.


networking HUMINT upgrading the protective measures


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