The Appearance of Awareness Related to Counter Intelligence in the Home Affairs Review in the Early 1960s

doi: 10.32561/nsz.2021.1.1


In the early 1960s, there were several events in the world and in Hungary that posed a decisive impact on the work of state security, including the field of counter intelligence. Political shifts in the socialist countries that began in the second half of the 1950s, including a confrontation with the former Stalinist system, the need to win over society in detecting crime, and the necessary broadening of relations between the two opposing blocs, all affected state security; also the reorganisation of the Ministry of the Interior (BM) in 1962, but also the rethinking of the professional journal of the Ministry of the Interior (Police Review) and its launch as the Home Affairs Review in 1963. The purpose of the present writing is to overview how those changes appeared
in the articles of the Home Affairs Review with regard to one of the main areas of state security, the counter intelligence.


state security secret service counter intelligence awareness Home Affairs Review


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