Direction of Exploring Crimes on Hot Pursuit and Possible Ways of its Renewal

doi: 10.32577/mr.2020.2.5


I have written this essay because I have more than 20 years experience in this criminal area, and several methods and procedures have been invented which could help to explore this special form of crime, the crime on hot pursuit. Up-to-date knowledge on exploring crimes on hot pursuit is very important for the effective crime prevention. The first 24 hours is the most important thing with regard to the arrest of the perpetrator and the exploration of the crime. In my essay I have investigated the most important concepts of the topic, like exploring crimes, exploring crimes on hot pursuit, pursuit on hot trace, investigation and warrant to arrest a perpetrator. I have summarised concepts of several authors and I have investigated them from several aspects (legal, criminal, general). Some authors use the concept „exploring crimes on hot pursuit” only for stressed crimes, but I think that it could be used for other general crimes as well. In a separete part of the essay I have focused on the constitutional model of this special form of exploration.


crime exploration crime exploration on hot trace pursuit pursuit on trace pursuit on hot trace investigation warrant to arrest constitutional model ready-group-leader

How to Cite

Havasi, S. (2020). Direction of Exploring Crimes on Hot Pursuit and Possible Ways of its Renewal. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 20(2), 89–115.


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