The Challenges of Evaluating Forensic Expert Opinions in the Courts of the USA, Mexico, and the Russian Federation

doi: 10.32577/mr.2024.3.4


Judges lack the necessary scientific knowledge to assess the reliability of forensic expert
opinions, as they are not experts themselves. To resolve this dilemma, some countries have
developed theoretical solutions, while others have implemented practical ones.
This study explores the problems of evaluating forensic expert opinions in the courts of
three jurisdictions currently under scrutiny in the field of forensic sciences: the USA, Mexico,
and the Russian Federation. It is based on the analysis of English, Spanish, and Russian
language literature and state research projects. The international perspective highlights
that many courts across different countries face similar challenges regarding the evaluation
of forensic expert opinions. The emerging or already established good practices presented
could serve as examples for other countries.


forensic science court expert opinion evaluation reliability of expert opinions trustworthiness

How to Cite

Erdélyi, K. (2024). The Challenges of Evaluating Forensic Expert Opinions in the Courts of the USA, Mexico, and the Russian Federation. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 24(3), 59–73.


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