A Cross-Section of Public Administration and Police Science: Theoretical and Historical Issues in Administrative Criminal Justice

doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.4.7


The theory of police science is closely intertwined with public administration in several ways. This close link is easily demonstrated by the theoretical history of administrative criminal justice. The roots of administrative criminal justice go back to misdemeanours, and its dual
nature was already apparent at that time: in addition to classic criminal law misdemeanours, police misdemeanours accounted for the majority of misdemeanours. In most cases, the term “police misdemeanour” was used to refer to misdemeanours of a classical administrative nature, which illustrates the close link between the two areas. Scholars of the period were constantly searching for a way of distinguishing misdemeanours from more serious crimes, theories which in many cases were at the root of police science theory. While this paper does not attempt to cover all aspects of police science theory, it does highlight its theoretical roots.


public administration police science administrative criminal justice discretional powers misdemeanour

How to Cite

Árva, Z. (2024). A Cross-Section of Public Administration and Police Science: Theoretical and Historical Issues in Administrative Criminal Justice. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(4), 137–150. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2023.4.7


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