Integrated Access Container Design in a Construction Environment

doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.4.12


The growth in the construction industry has placed a considerable burden on the security services for each construction project while securing the entry and exit process and controlling the deliveries. It is not uncommon to find a site where from 300 to 400 people must be professionally checked, and this checking process includes their condition appropriate for the safe performance of the work and their compliance with occupational safety and health rules (for example, the existence of personal protective equipment) in an environment where the cooperation of the workers entering the site is not always impeccable. A further complicating factor is that this crowd wants to enter and exit as fast as possible, but the entry and exit processes are time-consuming, creating tense situations for the operators of the entry point, especially with approaching handover deadlines. Reducing tension, supporting the guards’ work, and enforcing the interests of both the customer and the contractor, we created an automated, portable access control solution that complied with the latest regulations of the Hungarian tax authority. In our article, we share the design and functions of this technology.


construction security property protection access point security guards

How to Cite

Horváth, T., & Balázs Gergely. (2024). Integrated Access Container Design in a Construction Environment. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(4), 221–239.


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