Application of Laser-Induced Plasma Spectrometer and ICP Mass Spectrometer in Forensic Investigations
Copyright (c) 2024 Stadler Tamás, Zihné Perényi Katalin, Bozó Csaba, Molnár Andrea, Szoldán Zsolt, Vörös Tamás

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The use of modern elemental analytical techniques plays an increasingly prominent role in forensic investigations. Examinations on soils, construction materials, glass, paints,
adhesive tapes, and biological residues using a laser induced plasma spectrometer (LIBS) and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) operating at the Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences since 2021,
has proved the usability of these methods both for identification and in comparative studies. The high-sensitivity mass spectrometric trace element analysis enables a more accurate examination compared to our previously available methods. The laser ablation method makes it possible to measure the elemental composition
of individual sample parts, while by using the solution technique, the average elemental (isotopic) composition of the entire sample can be measured. In our study, we present the basics of the LIBS and ICP-MS techniques, as well as their forensic applications, through cases investigated in recent years.
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