Cyber-Sensitivity of the Digital Culture of Hungarian Prison Service

  • Bottyán Sándor
doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.4.1


During the digital transformation that has been taking place in the Hungarian correctional service in recent times, lots of IT innovations have been implemented. The operation of the organization is increasingly linked to the digital space, so it has become important to examine the latest IT developments from a cybersecurity perspective. The study, in a ground-breaking manner, uses a scientific approach to examine the opinions of the employees of the Hungarian correctional service about cybersecurity and correctional cybersecurity. Furthermore, it reveals the extent of dependency between prison task performance and electronic information systems. In addition, the study reveals unexpected factors that may influence both the present and future of cybersecurity in Hungarian correctional services.


cyberincident cybersecurity cyberattack prison infomation security

How to Cite

Bottyán, S. (2024). Cyber-Sensitivity of the Digital Culture of Hungarian Prison Service. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(4), 17–43.


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